Bend je medijima otkrio detalje o novom koncertnom DVD-u ‘World Magnetic’.
Legende metala imaju novi DVD, a NME donosi detalje o izdanju koje će se zvati ‘World Magnetic’ – ono u prodaju kreće 10. prosinca, a riječ je o koncertima održanima u Kanadi tijekom 2009. Sve to snimio je Wayne Isham.
DVD donosi live izvedbe sljedećih pjesama:
‘That Was Just Your Life’
‘The End Of The Line’
‘The Four Horsemen’
‘The Shortest Straw’
‘Broken, Beat & Scarred’
‘My Apocalypse’
‘Sad But True’
‘Welcome Home (Sanitarium)’
‘The Judas Kiss’
‘The Day That Never Comes’
‘Master of Puppets’
‘Nothing Else Matters’
‘Enter Sandman’
‘Killing Time’
‘Seek & Destroy’
Bonus pjesme:
‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’
‘Holier Than Thou’
‘Turn the Page’
‘All Nightmare Long’
‘Damage, Inc.’
‘Phantom Lord’